20 Idioms That Describe Style

Style is a way of expressing oneself through appearance, language, or behavior. Idioms about style capture the essence of how someone presents themselves uniquely. Here are 20 idioms that describe style, each with a short meaning and an example sentence to illustrate its use.

1. Dressed to the nines

Meaning: Very well-dressed
Example: She arrived at the party dressed to the nines.

2. Cut a dash

Meaning: Make a stylish impression
Example: He cut a dash in his new suit.

3. Fashion victim

Meaning: Overly influenced by trends
Example: She’s a fashion victim, always wearing the latest trends.

4. In vogue

Meaning: Fashionable
Example: Those shoes are definitely in vogue this season.

5. Chic

Meaning: Elegantly stylish
Example: Her outfit was simple but chic.

6. Smart as a whip

Meaning: Very stylish and sharp
Example: He looked smart as a whip in his business attire.

7. Look the part

Meaning: Appear suitable
Example: She looked the part of a professional designer.

8. Dressed to kill

Meaning: Dressed to impress
Example: He was dressed to kill at the gala.

9. Turn heads

Meaning: Attract attention
Example: Her new dress turned heads at the event.

10. On point

Meaning: Perfectly styled
Example: His outfit was on point for the occasion.

11. Trendsetter

Meaning: Starts new fashion trends
Example: She’s a trendsetter in the fashion industry.

12. Decked out

Meaning: Fully dressed up
Example: They were decked out for the wedding.

13. Fashion-forward

Meaning: Ahead of current trends
Example: His fashion-forward look always gets noticed.

14. Dressed to the teeth

Meaning: Very elegantly dressed
Example: She was dressed to the teeth for the formal event.

15. Snazzy

Meaning: Stylish and attractive
Example: He wore a snazzy jacket to the party.

16. A cut above

Meaning: Superior in style
Example: Her sense of style is a cut above the rest.

17. Style maven

Meaning: Expert in style
Example: As a style maven, she always knows what’s in.

18. Polished look

Meaning: Neat and stylish
Example: His polished look made a great impression.

19. Sharp-dressed

Meaning: Well-dressed
Example: He’s always sharp-dressed for business meetings.

20. Sartorial elegance

Meaning: Stylish clothing
Example: Her sartorial elegance is admired by everyone.

Idioms That Describe Style

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