Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Time

Time is an ever-present force in our lives, influencing every moment and decision. This post explores 20 idioms that encapsulate different aspects of time, from fleeting moments to prolonged periods. Discover how these expressions color our descriptions of duration, urgency, and history.

Idioms That Describe Time

1. Against the clock

Meaning: To do something as fast as possible under a time limit.
Example: They worked against the clock to finish.

2. In the nick of time

Meaning: Just before it is too late.
Example: Arrived in the nick of time to see it.

3. Around the clock

Meaning: Continuously, all day and night.
Example: Nurses worked around the clock tirelessly.

4. Beat the clock

Meaning: Finish something before a deadline.
Example: She managed to beat the clock.

5. Borrowed time

Meaning: Surviving beyond expected limits.
Example: Living on borrowed time after the accident.

6. Bide one’s time

Meaning: Wait for the right moment patiently.
Example: He bided his time before claiming victory.

7. Time flies

Meaning: Time passes very quickly.
Example: Time flies when you’re having fun.

8. Kill time

Meaning: Pass time by doing something unimportant.
Example: Killed time reading magazines at the airport.

9. On borrowed time

Meaning: Having limited time left.
Example: The old tree is on borrowed time.

10. Time is of the essence

Meaning: Something must be done immediately.
Example: Finish the task, time is of the essence.

11. Pressed for time

Meaning: In a hurry or rushed.
Example: Can’t talk, I’m pressed for time.

12. Stand the test of time

Meaning: Remain useful or valued over time.
Example: Their love stood the test of time.

13. Ahead of one’s time

Meaning: Having ideas or attitudes advanced for one’s era.
Example: Tesla was far ahead of his time.

14. Turn back the hands of time

Meaning: Return to an earlier period.
Example: Wish I could turn back the hands of time.

15. Make up for lost time

Meaning: Regain lost time by working quickly.
Example: He raced to make up for lost time.

16. A race against time

Meaning: Working quickly against a tight deadline.
Example: It was a race against time to evacuate.

17. Time heals all wounds

Meaning: Emotional pain lessens as time passes.
Example: Give it time; time heals all wounds.

18. Time’s up

Meaning: No more time is left.
Example: Time’s up, hand in your papers.

19. A stitch in time saves nine

Meaning: Solving a problem early to avoid complications.
Example: Fix it now; a stitch in time saves nine.

20. Time and tide wait for no man

Meaning: Time passes continuously, regardless of actions.
Example: Hurry up, time and tide wait for no man.

Idioms That Describe Time

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