20 Idioms That Describe Vanity

Vanity is a character trait marked by excessive pride in one’s appearance or achievements. It’s often seen as self-obsession or an inflated sense of self-importance. Understanding idioms that describe vanity can help in identifying and discussing this trait more effectively in everyday conversations.

1. Peacock

Meaning: Vain person

Example: He’s always strutting around like a peacock.

2. Full of oneself

Meaning: Self-important

Example: She’s so full of herself since her promotion.

3. All that

Meaning: Conceited

Example: He thinks he’s all that after winning the award.

4. Vanity fair

Meaning: Display of vanity

Example: The party was a real vanity fair.

5. Legend in own mind

Meaning: Overly self-important

Example: He’s a legend in his own mind.

6. Prima donna

Meaning: Vain person

Example: She acts like a prima donna at work.

7. Mirror, mirror

Meaning: Obsessed with appearance

Example: He’s always in front of the mirror, mirror.

8. Self-love

Meaning: Excessive self-regard

Example: Her self-love is evident in every conversation.

9. Narcissus complex

Meaning: Obsession with self

Example: His Narcissus complex is getting annoying.

10. Swelled head

Meaning: Inflated ego

Example: Fame gave him a swelled head.

11. Look at me

Meaning: Seeks attention

Example: She has that ‘look at me’ attitude.

12. Cocky

Meaning: Overconfident

Example: His cocky behavior puts people off.

13. Show-off

Meaning: Vain display

Example: He’s a real show-off with his new car.

14. Big-headed

Meaning: Conceited

Example: Success made him big-headed.

15. Eyes on me

Meaning: Seeks attention

Example: She always wants all eyes on her.

16. Fluffing feathers

Meaning: Showing off

Example: He’s always fluffing his feathers around here.

17. Self-admiration

Meaning: Loving oneself

Example: Her self-admiration knows no bounds.

18. Strut like a peacock

Meaning: Act vainly

Example: He likes to strut like a peacock at parties.

19. Self-absorbed

Meaning: Preoccupied with self

Example: She’s too self-absorbed to notice others.

Idioms That Describe Vanity

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