20 Idioms That Describe Expertise

Expertise is often celebrated in various fields, and the English language has a rich collection of idioms to describe those who possess exceptional skill and knowledge. Here are 20 idioms that encapsulate the essence of expertise, each with a brief meaning and a concise example sentence to illustrate its use.

1. Ace in the Hole

Meaning: Secret advantage.
Example: Her coding skills were her ace in the hole.

2. Top of the Line

Meaning: Highest quality.
Example: His paintings are always top of the line.

3. Master of the Craft

Meaning: Highly skilled expert.
Example: She is a master of the craft in woodworking.

4. Whiz Kid

Meaning: Young expert.
Example: The new intern is a real whiz kid in marketing.

5. In a Class of One’s Own

Meaning: Unique expert.
Example: His culinary skills are in a class of their own.

6. Second to None

Meaning: Best, unmatched.
Example: Her negotiation skills are second to none.

7. Knows the Ropes

Meaning: Fully experienced.
Example: He knows the ropes of the fashion industry.

8. At the Top of One’s Game

Meaning: Performing exceptionally well.
Example: She is at the top of her game in tennis.

9. Jack of All Trades

Meaning: Versatile expert.
Example: He’s a jack of all trades in the tech world.

10. In One’s Element

Meaning: Performing naturally well.
Example: She is in her element when teaching.

11. Born Leader

Meaning: Natural expert in leading.
Example: He is a born leader in crisis situations.

12. Skilled to Perfection

Meaning: Extremely skilled.
Example: Her embroidery is skilled to perfection.

13. Knows One’s Stuff

Meaning: Very knowledgeable.
Example: The professor really knows his stuff.

14. On the Ball

Meaning: Alert and competent.
Example: She’s always on the ball at meetings.

15. An Old Hand

Meaning: Experienced expert.
Example: He is an old hand at carpentry.

16. All the Answers

Meaning: Highly knowledgeable.
Example: The consultant had all the answers.

17. Tech-Savvy

Meaning: Skilled with technology.
Example: She’s incredibly tech-savvy with new gadgets.

18. Midas Touch

Meaning: Everything turns successful.
Example: He has the Midas touch in business.

19. Gifted

Meaning: Naturally talented.
Example: She’s a gifted musician.

20. Prodigy

Meaning: Young genius.
Example: The chess player is a prodigy.

Idioms That Describe Expertise

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