Top 30 Adjectives for Temperature (Negative & Positive Words)

Temperature can be pleasant or harsh, defining our comfort and experiences. From a chilly winter’s night to a scorching summer’s day, discover adjectives that perfectly capture these thermal sensations.

Description of Temperature

Temperature measures the warmth or coldness of an environment or body.

Words to Describe Temperature

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Temperature;

  1. Warm
  2. Cold
  3. Hot
  4. Chilly
  5. Mild
  6. Freezing
  7. Boiling
  8. Frigid
  9. Toasty
  10. Cool
  11. Icy
  12. Scorching
  13. Lukewarm
  14. Blistering
  15. Frosty
  16. Tepid
  17. Sweltering
  18. Crisp
  19. Balmy
  20. Biting
  21. Sultry
  22. Nippy
  23. Searing
  24. Temperate
  25. Wintry
  26. Fiery
  27. Thawed
  28. Broiling
  29. Refreshing
  30. Breezy

Positive Words to Describe Temperature

  1. Warm
  2. Mild
  3. Toasty
  4. Balmy
  5. Temperate
  6. Refreshing
  7. Thawed
  8. Breezy
  9. Lukewarm
  10. Cool

Negative Words to Describe Temperature

  1. Freezing
  2. Boiling
  3. Frigid
  4. Icy
  5. Scorching
  6. Biting
  7. Searing
  8. Broiling
  9. Sweltering
  10. Blistering

Adjectives for Temperature (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Pleasantly mild
  • The beach felt warm underfoot.


  • Meaning: Not cold or hot
  • It’s a mild winter day.


  • Meaning: Warm and comfortable
  • The blanket felt toasty.


  • Meaning: Very cold
  • The mountain air was frigid.


  • Meaning: Extremely cold
  • She gave him an icy stare.


  • Meaning: Extremely hot
  • The sun was scorching the land.


  • Meaning: Pleasantly cool
  • It’s a breezy summer evening.


  • Meaning: Harshly cold
  • The biting wind hurt my face.


  • Meaning: Hot and humid
  • The night was sultry and wet.


  • Meaning: No longer frozen
  • The meat has thawed out.

Other Words to Describe Temperature

Words to Describe Water Temperature

  1. Tepid
  2. Bracing
  3. Chilled
  4. Steamy
  5. Glacial
  6. Torrid
  7. Warming
  8. Arctic
  9. Heated
  10. Coolish

Words to Describe Cold Temperature

  1. Wintry
  2. Frosty
  3. Biting
  4. Nippy
  5. Icy
  6. Frigid
  7. Chilled
  8. Polar
  9. Freezing
  10. Crisp

Words to Describe Hot Temperature

  1. Torrid
  2. Fiery
  3. Sizzling
  4. Blazing
  5. Roasting
  6. Tropical
  7. Sweltering
  8. Broiling
  9. Heated
  10. Scalding

Words to Describe High Temperature

  1. Blazing
  2. Roasting
  3. Torrid
  4. Scalding
  5. Fiery
  6. Sweltering
  7. Burning
  8. Broiling
  9. Boiling
  10. Searing

Words to Describe Moderate Temperature

  1. Mild
  2. Temperate
  3. Lukewarm
  4. Neutral
  5. Equable
  6. Fair
  7. Moderate
  8. Soft
  9. Medium
  10. Modest

Words to Describe Food Temperature

  1. Piping
  2. Warmish
  3. Overheated
  4. Chilled
  5. Lukewarm
  6. Room-temperature
  7. Sizzling
  8. Coolish
  9. Toasty
  10. Icy

Words to Describe Color Temperature

  1. Warm-toned
  2. Cool-toned
  3. Neutral
  4. Fiery
  5. Icy-blue
  6. Sun-kissed
  7. Chilled-blue
  8. Hot-red
  9. Cool-gray
  10. Warm-gold

How to Describe Temperature in writing?

When describing temperature, focus on the sensations it invokes. Whether it’s the biting cold or the comforting warmth, choose descriptive words that transport readers into that moment, helping them feel the exact thermal sensation you’re describing. It’s essential to be specific and vivid to paint a clear picture.


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Adjectives for Temperature

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