Communication is an essential part of our lives. Whether it’s with family, friends, colleagues or even complete strangers, we depend on communication to express ourselves in day-to-day life. How well you communicate can make a big difference in the level of success and happiness that you experience.
It’s important to understand how different words and phrases affect people when used in communication – especially the impact that adjective words can have. Today we’ll explore just a few adjectives to describe communication that help bring clarity and positivity into conversations!
20 Adjectives for Communication
Articulate | Clear | Coherent |
Conversational | Diplomatic | Effective |
Efficient | Eloquent | Expressive |
Fluent | Honest | Informative |
Intuitive | Persuasive | Respectful |
Smooth | Succinct | Sympathetic |
Thoughtful | Well-spoken |
Related: Adjectives That Start With C
Words To Describe Communication
- Articulate: expressing ideas effectively
- Clear: easily understandable
- Coherent: logically organized
- Conversational: informal and interactive
- Diplomatic: tactful and considerate
- Effective: producing desired results
- Efficient: quick and effective
- Eloquent: fluent and persuasive
- Expressive: conveying emotions and ideas
- Fluent: able to express easily
- Honest: truthful and transparent
- Informative: providing useful information
- Intuitive: easily understood
- Persuasive: able to influence others
- Respectful: showing respect
- Smooth: flowing and effortless
- Succinct: brief and to the point
- Sympathetic: understanding and supportive
- Thoughtful: well-considered and planned
- Well-spoken: able to speak effectively
Adjectives of Communication in Example Sentences
- He gave an articulate
- She provided clear
- The report was coherent and easy to follow.
- The meeting had a conversational
- He used diplomatic
- The communication was effective in resolving the issue.
- The process was efficient and quick.
- Her argument was eloquent.
- The poem was expressive and touching.
- He answered the questions fluently.
- She was honest about her intentions.
- The newsletter was informative and educational.
- The therapist had an intuitive understanding of the patient.
- His sales pitch was persuasive.
- He showed respect in his communication.
- The conversation was smooth and natural.
- The summary was succinct and to the point.
- She was sympathetic towards her friend’s situation.
- The email was thoughtful and well-planned.
- He was well-spoken and made a great impression.
Synonyms of Communication
- Expression
- Conveyance
- Transfer
- Transmission
- Declaration
- Dissemination
- Explanation
- Report
- Message
- Dialogue
- Correspondence
- Broadcasting
- Expression
- Declaration
- Delivery
- Delivery of information
- Relaying of information
- Exposition
- Conveying
- Utterance