Adjectives for Peace, Words to Describe Peace

In a world that is often full of chaos and violence, it’s important to remember the power of peace. Peace is something that can be difficult to define, but it’s always worth striving for.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some different adjectives that can be used to describe peace. We’ll also discuss what peace means to us and why it’s so important.

adjectives for peace

20 Adjectives for Peace

Quiet Unruffled Pacified
Conciliatory Placid Pleasant
Tranquil Harmonious Amicable
Reassuring Mellowed Restful
Secluded Composed Muted
Balmy Cordial Pacifying
Calmness Silent

Words to Describe Peace

1- Unruffled: free of worry, anxiety, or agitation.

He kept an unruffled composure throughout the meeting.

2- Pacified: calmed down, appeased or placated.

She managed to pacify the crying baby.

3- Conciliatory: attempting to settle disputes by making concessions.

We adopted a conciliatory solution to end the conflict.

4- Placid: having a gentle, peaceful, and calm nature.

The placid lake was beautiful and serene.

5- Pleasant: agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfying.

It was such a pleasant surprise when they called us.

6- Tranquil: free from disturbance, agitation, or excitement.

Everyone enjoyed the tranquil atmosphere of the forest.

7- Harmonious: in agreement or consistent with each other.

A harmonious relationship between the two countries was formed.

8- Amicable: friendly, diplomatic, and cordial.

They had an amicable discussion and reached a consensus.

9- Reassuring: giving comfort or confidence.

He gave her a reassuring hug after she cried.

10- Mellowed: having a softened or relaxed mood.

Everyone felt mellowed after the relaxing massage.

11- Restful: providing peace and relaxation.

The restful bed had all the comfort we needed for sleeping.

12- Secluded: peaceful, remote and serene environment.

We found a secluded spot to enjoy our picnic.

13- Composed: calm and in control of one’s emotions.

She remained composed even when the situation got tense.

14- Muted: moderate, subdued, or soft.

He spoke in muted tones so as not to wake her up.

15- Balmy: mild, pleasant, and soothing.

The balmy breeze was blowing softly against our faces.

16- Cordial: warm, friendly, and kind.

They greeted each other with a cordial handshake.

17- Pacifying: calming or soothing a person or situation.

He spoke in a pacifying manner to make her feel better.

18- Calmness: a peaceful state of mind or spirit.

I closed my eyes and felt the calmness of the night air.

19- Silent: making no sound or noise.

The only sound was the silent whisper of the wind.

20- Quiet: having very little sound or activity.

We spent a quiet evening at home reading books.

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