Top 30 Adjectives for Window (Negative & Positive Words)

Windows play a pivotal role in architecture, offering both function and aesthetics. Let’s explore various adjectives to vividly describe this essential feature.

Description of Window

A window is an opening in a wall, door, or building that allows the passage of light, air, and sound, typically framed with glass.

Words to Describe Window

Here are the 30 most common words to describe window:

  1. Clear
  2. Transparent
  3. Foggy
  4. Stained
  5. Latched
  6. Paneled
  7. Sunlit
  8. Tinted
  9. Drafty
  10. Illuminated
  11. Sealed
  12. Shuttered
  13. Wide
  14. Narrow
  15. Sliding
  16. Fixed
  17. Casement
  18. Double-hung
  19. Bay
  20. Louvered
  21. Frosted
  22. Arched
  23. Grilled
  24. Screened
  25. Skylight
  26. Thermal
  27. Egress
  28. Picture
  29. Basement
  30. Awning

Positive Words to Describe Window

  1. Clear
  2. Transparent
  3. Sunlit
  4. Illuminated
  5. Wide
  6. Paneled
  7. Sealed
  8. Arched
  9. Skylight
  10. Thermal

Negative Words to Describe Window

  1. Foggy
  2. Drafty
  3. Narrow
  4. Broken
  5. Tinted
  6. Dirty
  7. Cracked
  8. Leaky
  9. Stuck
  10. Old

Adjectives for Window (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Easily seen through.
  • Sentence: The view was clear through the window.


  • Meaning: Allowing light through.
  • Sentence: She bought transparent window curtains.


  • Meaning: Lit by sunlight.
  • Sentence: The sunlit window brightened the room.


  • Meaning: Lighted up.
  • Sentence: The window was illuminated at night.


  • Meaning: Of great extent.
  • Sentence: She opened the wide window for fresh air.


  • Meaning: Divided sections.
  • Sentence: Their window was beautifully paneled.


  • Meaning: Closed tightly.
  • Sentence: The window remained sealed in winter.


  • Meaning: Curved shape on top.
  • Sentence: They had an arched window in the hallway.


  • Meaning: Roof window.
  • Sentence: A skylight was added for more light.


  • Meaning: Retaining heat.
  • Sentence: Their thermal windows kept the room warm.

Other Words to Describe Window

Words to Describe Glass Window

  1. Reflective
  2. Smudged
  3. Shiny
  4. Opaque
  5. Beveled
  6. Laminated
  7. Tempered
  8. Insulated
  9. Mirrored
  10. Polarized

Words to Describe Old Window

  1. Antique
  2. Weathered
  3. Decayed
  4. Time-worn
  5. Faded
  6. Vintage
  7. Dusty
  8. Creaky
  9. Rustic
  10. Deteriorated

Words to Describe Broken Window

  1. Shattered
  2. Cracked
  3. Splintered
  4. Smashed
  5. Fractured
  6. Busted
  7. Ruptured
  8. Snapped
  9. Crushed
  10. Destroyed

Words to Describe Big Window

  1. Expansive
  2. Grand
  3. Spacious
  4. Gigantic
  5. Broad
  6. Large-scale
  7. Immense
  8. Generous
  9. Vast
  10. Colossal

Words to Describe Dirty Window

  1. Grimy
  2. Muddy
  3. Streaked
  4. Smeared
  5. Filthy
  6. Clouded
  7. Dingy
  8. Sullied
  9. Spotted
  10. Marked

How to Describe Window in writing?

When describing a window in writing, consider its function, appearance, and role in the setting. Elaborate on its size, shape, materials, and any distinct features. Use adjectives to convey emotions and moods that the window invokes. Whether it’s the way sunlight filters through or the patterns formed by raindrops, capture the essence through vivid descriptors.


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