Words to Describe Prayer, Adjectives for Prayer

Words to Describe Prayer, Adjectives for Prayer! Prayer is an act that has been practiced around the world for centuries. It is a powerful form of communication between humans and the divine, allowing us to express our deepest hopes and fears. As such, it is important to choose words wisely when crafting a prayer. This Lesson will explore some of the many adjectives that can be used in prayer to give it more depth and meaning.

The most common word used in prayer is “love”; however, there are other types of adjectives that can make your prayer come alive with emotion. Words like “grateful”, “faithful”, or “hopeful” help to express appreciation towards God or faith in His power. Additionally, adjectives like “compassionate” or “forgiving” demonstrate your desire for understanding and mercy from Him.

adjectives for prayer

20 Adjectives for Prayer

Devotional Humble Reflective
Contemplative Earnest Sincere
Pious Hopeful Gracious
Trustful Dutiful Benevolent
Grateful Reverential Longing
Yearning Supplicating Blessed
Uplifting Obedient

Words to Describe Prayer

1- Devotional: devoted to prayer or religious observance.

She offered a devotional prayer to her ancestors.

2- Humble: having or expressing a modest or low opinion of oneself.

He wrote a humble plea for spiritual guidance.

3- Reflective: thinking deeply or carefully about something.

The quiet chapel provided the perfect atmosphere for reflective thought.

4- Contemplative: thoughtful and concentrated reflection.

The monks were known for their contemplative lifestyle.

5- Earnest: having or showing intensity and sincerity of feeling.

He spoke his prayer with an earnest sincerity.

6- Sincere: genuine, honest, and free from deceit.

She made a sincere request for spiritual enlightenment.

7- Pious: exhibiting, expressing or characterized by religious devotion.

The pious woman donated all her money to the church.

8- Hopeful: feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event.

She always approached life with a hopeful attitude.

9- Gracious: showing kindness, favor, and courtesy.

We gave thanks in a gracious manner.

10- Trustful: having faith in the honesty and reliability of someone.

He was trustful in the Lord’s ability to provide.

11- Dutiful: performing one’s duty out of respect for authority or moral principles.

The soldier followed orders with dutiful obedience.

12- Benevolent: showing kindness and goodwill towards others.

She showed her benevolent nature through her charity work.

13- Grateful: feeling or expressing appreciation for something received.

He expressed his gratitude for their support.

14- Reverential: feeling or showing deep respect or deference.

Everyone bowed their heads in a reverential silence.

15- Longing: a strong desire, especially for something one has lost or been separated from.

He felt a longing for peace within his heart.

16- Yearning: an intense feeling of deep longing.

She had a yearning to understand her purpose in life.

17- Supplicating: making a humble and earnest request for something.

They made a supplicating plea for help.

18- Blessed: enjoying divine favor or protection; holy.

We felt blessed to receive such kindness from strangers.

19- Uplifting: providing spiritual or moral inspiration.

His inspirational words provided an uplifting experience.

20- Obedient: obeying willingly the orders of someone in authority.

She was obedient to her teacher’s instructions.

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20 adjectives for prayer words to describe prayer Adjectives for Prayer in Example Sentences

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