Words to Describe Slavery, Adjectives for Slavery

Words to Describe Slavery, Adjectives for Slavery! When discussing the issue of slavery, one can find various adjectives to describe its history and legacy. From “abhorrent” to “vile“, there is a range of words that capture the brutality, cruelty, and inhumanity of slavery. It is essential to use strong language when referring to such an oppressive institution as this; it helps set the tone for conversations about racism and inequality today.

Slavery was an act of domination and degradation that stripped individuals of their dignity. It was a system built on exploitation and subjugation, robbing people of their fundamental rights. In addition, slavery was incredibly dehumanizing—it took away people’s autonomy, forcing them into labor without compensation or respect for basic human needs. Moreover, it sought to erase cultural identities through assimilation and forced labor practices.

adjectives for slavery

20 Adjectives for Slavery

Oppressive Dehumanizing Unjust
Demeaning Exploitative Cruel
Subjugation Abusive Forced
Opprobrious Sordid Inhumane
Barbaric Despotic Tyrannical
Reprehensible Despicable Pathetic
Miserable Involuntary  

Words to Describe Slavery

1- Oppressive: characterized by oppressive actions or attitudes.

The slaves were under an oppressive regime.

2- Dehumanizing: strip someone of their humanity.

Many suffered from the dehumanizing conditions of slavery.

3- Unjust: not based on principles of justice; unfair.

The system of enslavement was deeply unjust and wrong.

4- Demeaning: treating someone with disrespect or without dignity.

He was often treated in a demeaning manner by his master.

5- Exploitative: taking unfair advantage of someone or something.

The wealthy often exploited the poor for their own gain.

6- Cruel: behaving in a way that causes pain or suffering.

The harsh punishments were cruel and inhumane.

7- Subjugation: the fact of being placed under domination and control by another person or force.

The subjugation of people was common during this time period.

8- Abusive: treating someone unfairly, with cruel and insulting language.

His words towards her were abusive and threatening.

9- Forced: compelled to do something against one’s will.

They had no choice but to abide by the rules or be forced out.

10- Opprobrious: expressing or exhibiting contemptuous reproach or strong disapproval.

The slave owners used opprobrious language to belittle their workers.

11- Sordid: morally debased; vile and despicable.

Their living conditions were sordid and unsuitable for human life.

12- Inhumane: cruel, unfeeling, or lacking in sympathy.

Many of the acts committed were shockingly inhumane.

13- Barbaric: uncivilized and savage; primitive.

Barbaric punishments were imposed on those who disobeyed.

14- Despotic: characterized by absolute power or authority.

The despotic ruler had complete control of the country.

15- Tyrannical: using oppressive or unjustly severe methods.

People suffered under a tyrannical regime for decades.

16- Reprehensible: deserving severe or strong condemnation.

His actions were reprehensible and beyond redemption.

17- Despicable: deserving to be despised; contemptible.

She was considered despicable for her disregard towards others.

18- Pathetic: arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness.

It was pathetic to see how little they had to work with.

19- Miserable: very unhappy and uncomfortable in body or mind.

The slaves were living in miserable conditions.

20- Involuntary: done without one’s own free will.

Their servitude was involuntary and repugnant.

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Words to Describe Slavery

20 adjectives for slavery words to describe slavery Adjectives for Slavery in Example Sentences

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